
Six Spicy Hockey Romances Exclusive Hardcovers

Created by Elise Faber

5 hot hockey-playing brothers + their younger sister. They're allergic to commitment & about to face off against their matchmaking mom

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Outstanding Surveys!
11 months ago – Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 08:11:05 AM

Hi everyone! We still have 25 of you who have yet to fill out your survey from Backerkit. You can access your survey here if you haven't filled it out yet, but remember that we won't be able to send you your rewards unless you confirm your email address and (if applicable) your shipping address. If you paid via Apple Pay, sometimes your email address is obscured and surveys go missing, so if you haven't received an email from Backerkit with a survey to fill out, please comment below or message me at [email protected] and I can help you with that!

Surveys are Coming!
12 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 12:46:06 PM

Hi everyone! Just a quick update to let you know that surveys are going to be hitting your inboxes in the next couple of days. They'll be sent via Backerkit and we will need you to confirm your email address (for digital goodies) and your physical address (if you'll be receiving physical items). We won't be able to send you your items without the survey being completed, so please make sure to do that! You'll have until April 10th to fill these out!


-Your Bang Authors

We did it! Next Steps!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 05:33:18 PM

We did it everyone! 🎉 Thank you again for all of your support! We couldn't have done it without you!

We wanted to touch base with you and make sure everyone knows what our next steps are.

So, the project closed tonight and if there are any issues with your credit card on file, Kickstarter and I will reach out to you. Once any errored pledges are corrected, Kickstarter will send us our funds so that we can start fulfillment (this usually takes about 2 weeks).

Fulfillment will begin with a survey sent via Backerkit to your email Kickstarter has on file (so if this message is coming to an email you don't regularly use, now is a good time to update that). The survey will ask you to confirm details like your shipping address and/or email to receive your digital goodies. NOTE: We will NOT be able to send you your rewards if you don't give us this information, so please be sure to fill it out when it comes. Don't worry, we'll send you another update once surveys go out so you don't miss it!

Upon all surveys being completed, we get to move into the next stage of fulfillment! Digital rewards will distributed, books will be ordered, and you'll be one step closer to receiving your items. Woot! Digital items are expected to go out in May and physical items are expected to be fulfilled in July! We hope to beat these timelines, but sometimes the postal system or other factors (I'm looking at you, young children) have other ideas 😅

I think that's it for now, but please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! In the meantime, know we're working feverishly behind the scenes to get you your beauties!

Thank you!

Your Bang Authors

All Stretch Goals Unlocked and Final 24 Hours!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 02:16:18 PM

You guys! I can't believe that we are into our final 24 hours! And I get to share the awesome news that we've also unlocked every single stretch goal! Which means your books are going to be gorgeous, the bonus swag is going to be amazing, and we are just so freaking excited to bring these stories to you all! Thank you so much for your support!

Here's to six hockey hotties and their matchmaking Mama! 🏒🥂

(And don't forget Annie 😏)

We'll be in touch once the project closes with more information!


Your Bang Authors

New Stretch Goals Unlocked and Another Backer Reward!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 09:29:22 AM

We've hit $16,000 which means we've unlocked our next stretch goal! Woot! This is amazing you guys! Thank you so much for helping us bring this project to life. We couldn't do it without you! 

We know you'll just love the bonus letter you'll be getting from Mama Bang. She's hilarious and loves keeping her kiddos on their toes! 😅

And as a thank you for being so awesome and supporting this project, we wanted to give you all this cool Backer Reward—a Bang Hockey map. You'll get a glimpse of these siblings' current locations and see where Mama and Daddy Bang currently reside. We hope you enjoy!

And if you missed our previous backer reward, here's another chance to take Mama Bang's Matchmaking Quiz to find out which Bang sibling you're most compatible with :) 

Finally, our next stretch goal will unlock at $17000! And that will be for full color chapter headings printed in each book.

Here's to hot hockey guys and their matchmaking mamas!

Thank you again for being here with us! You all are amazing!

-Your Bang Authors

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